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Analyze a real event

Analyze a real event

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Case study Analyze a real event   #codeExercice#

   Practical information   

You can work on this case study in Period 2 from #dateDebCertificatPeriode2# to #dateFinCertificatPeriode2#.


The case study deals with the analysis of a real event. It especially looks at the impact of the event in financial markets. The event could be about a firm, the economy or the world.

A few examples: announcement of the financial results or launch of a new product for an event about a firm, publication of official statistics such as the unemployment rate or announcement of an increase in interest rates for an economic event, and natural catastrophe or announcement of a major scientific discovery for an event related to the world.

Your work:

  • Choose an event and a firm

  • Find a title for your case study

  • Write a text for your analysis of the event: description of the event (about 5 lines), description of the firm (about 5 lines), your explanation of the market reaction to the event (5 lines max) and a justification of your choice of the event and the firm (about 5 lines).

  • Upload a file, which illustrates the event such as a newspaper article

  • Upload a file, which illustrates the market reaction (graph of the evolution of the stock price of the firm).

Allowed file formats: png, jpg, jpeg and gif.

Note: you can always improve your case study until the end of the period.

Beyond writing your own case, you also have to evaluate the cases of other participants:

  • Leave comments

  • Give likes


To give you an idea of the work to be done, you can have a look at the case study written by Prof. Longin as an example:

EXAMPLE - Wreck of tragic Costa Concordia: financial wreck of the company?

   Useful tips to get financial data   

To find stock market data (history of stock prices of a given company), the website is interesting because the history of the data goes back very far in the past (often since the first day of quotation of the company). In practice, to get the data for Carnival, I typed in Google:  « stock price data carnival » and the Yahoo! Finance website appeared in the top positions.

You may find useful the note on stock market data, which explains how to get the data on Yahoo! Finance website and how to work with the data on a spreadsheet like Excel.


The grading for this case study takes into account the work to write your own case, your evaluation of the cases of other participants, the evaluation of your case by other participants (peer review) and by the educational team.

The details of the grading (on 400 points) is given below:

You (300 points):

  • 200 points to write your case (writing of the text and upload of files to illustrate the event and the market reaction)

  • 20 points to write a comment on the cases of other participants (80 points max)

  • 5 points to like the cases of other participants (20 points max).

Other participants (100 points):

  • 20 points per comment on your case written by other participants (80 points max)

  • 5 points per like on your case obtained from other participants (20 points max).